It has long been studied and known that the body uses its own bio-electrical systems to perform essential bodily functions.

During electrophysiological evaluation procedures, these electrochemical signals are recorded.

For example, the bio-electrical activity of the heart is measured:

  • The heart with an electrocardiogram (E.C.G.).
  • The brain with an electrocephalogram (E.E.G.).
  • The skeletal muscles with an electromyogram (E.M.G.).
  • The retina or retina with an electron tinogram (E.R.G.).

In current medicine, “electricity” is used in various disiplines to treat diseases or injuries. Examples of modern clinical applications of “electrotherapy” are:

  • Electro analgesia for the control of chronic pain.
  • Pacemakers for regulation of heart rhythm.
  • Cochlear stimulation to improve hearing function.
  • Muscle stimulation.


M.E.T.-therapy is a very specific form of electrotherapy, in which the body receives extremely small current pulses, also called microcurrents.

These micro currents are smaller than 1 milliAmpere, which is 100 times less intense than a TENS device (Trans Epidermic Neuro Stimulation).

The current therapy imitates what happens inside our own cells and as such restores the physiological balance. These are some of the relevant physiological effects described in the literature:


AN INCREASE OF ATP (AdenosineTriPhosphate)

The energy molecule used in all cell activities (such as when a muscle contracts). ATP is actually the energy source or fuel that all body cells use to perform their normal functions. Independent studies have shown that M.E.T. therapy increases ATP production by up to 500%. Sugars, fats and proteins are not used as such as an energy source for the body but are converted into ATP, a form that the body uses as energy in all cellular processes.



As before:
    Amino acids, the precursors of important biomolecules such as vitamins, purines, pyrimidines, and hormones, and building blocks of all proteins.
      Proline, a precursor of hydroxyproline, (which is used in the production of collagen, the binding tissue in tendons and ligaments, among other things).
        Calcium, by opening voltage-sensitive calcium channels in membranes. One of the effects of this increase in Ca++ is an increase in the number of insulin receptors needed for both protein and DNA synthesis.



              These are the cells that play an important role in the repair of tissue damage in a primary stage (such as sports injuries).



              Such as IFN-gamma, TNF, IL-6 (which causes fever for example). These molecules play an important role in maintaining an (sometimes exaggerated) inflammatory reaction (such as rheumatism, arthritis and sports injuries).



              Which are an important component of the immune system (our immune system is needed in case of an inflammation or an infection, among other things).



              Such as keratinocytes or skin cells (important for wound healing).


                KFH ENERGY helps me to start the recovery process of my patients at cellular level. 

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