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- F. Cheng. Effects of electric currents on ATP generation, protein synthesis and membrane transport in rat skin. Clin. Orthop. Relat. Res 1982
- J.C. Seegers. A pulsed DC electric field affects P2-purinergic receptor functions by altering ATP levels in vitro and in vivo systems. Medical hypotheses 2002
- M. Zhao. Electrical stimulation of angiogenesis in vascular endothelial cells through VEGF receptors. J Cell Sci 2004
- R.B. Smith. Microcurrent therapies emerging theories of physiological information processing. Neuro Rehabilitation 2002
- Colin D. McCaig. Controlling Cell Behavior Electrically: Current Views and Future Potential
- The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1997: Illustrated Information
- DL Kirsch. Pain Management A Practical Guide for Clinicians chapter 60 2002
- DL Kirsch. Pain Management A Practical Guide for Clinicians chapter 61 2002
- F. Ojingwa. Electrical stimulation of wound healing. Production of Dermatology
- L.C. Kloth. Electrical stimulation for wound healing a review. Int. Journal Lower Extrem. Wounds 2005
- Effect of electro-stimulation on chronic-wound healing: a meta-analysis
- Wound Healing with Electric Potential
- Electrical signals control wound healing through phosphatidylinositol-3-OH kinase-g and PTEN
- Charging the batteries to heal wounds through PI3K
To obtain a copy please mail us
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